E&F Blog



Welcome to an extraordinary revelation that will change your lunchtime habits forever! Brace yourselves, for we are about to embark on a whimsical journey exploring the profound connection between devouring a chicken sandwich on Tuesdays (also known as bin day) and the enhancement of one's life. Prepare to be amused, bewildered, and perhaps even inspired to embrace this unconventional path to greatness!

  1. The "Bin Day Boost": Imagine the mundane task of wheeling your rubbish bins to the curb on a dreary Tuesday afternoon for Wednesday collection. But lo and behold, you have a chicken sandwich! Suddenly, as you take your first delectable bite, the power of the sandwich surges through your veins. You feel invincible, capable of tackling any challenge thrown your way, including the heroic management of your trash. The "Bin Day Boost" will infuse you with an unparalleled enthusiasm for even the most mundane activities.

  3. Conversations with Garbage Gurus: As you wait eagerly for the garbage truck's arrival, munching away on your Tuesday chicken sandwich, you may notice a peculiar phenomenon. The garbage collectors, enchanted by the aromatic allure of your lunch, might strike up conversations of remarkable depth. Who knew that discussing the intricacies of waste management could be so enlightening? Prepare to be regaled with tales of forgotten treasures and the art of "bin-jitsu."

  5. Chicken Sandwich Serendipity: The universe has a mysterious way of aligning our gastronomic choices with the most fortuitous outcomes. By partaking in a Tuesday chicken sandwich ritual, you may discover astonishing synchronicities. Perhaps you encounter a long-lost friend also enjoying a poultry-based lunch, leading to a delightful reunion. Prepare to experience camaraderie and joy like never before!

  7. Bid Farewell to Pungent Poultry Predicaments: One of the unsavory consequences of enjoying a succulent chicken sandwich is the lingering presence of the carcass. Fear not, for bin day Tuesday is your ultimate savior in this fowl situation! By strategically timing your consumption, you can bid farewell to the days of enduring a putrid poultry aroma permeating your kitchen for an entire week. No more holding your breath or hastily duct-taping the garbage bag shut to contain the stench. The magical synergy between chicken sandwich consumption and bin day ensures that your chicken carcass will be whisked away, vanishing into the abyss of garbage collection, leaving your senses free to indulge in more delightful aromas.

In the grand tapestry of life, it's the peculiar and unexpected choices that often lead to the greatest joys. Embracing the ritual of consuming a chicken sandwich on bin day Tuesdays is not only a whimsical endeavor but a gateway to unexplored possibilities. From the "Bin Day Boost" to serendipitous encounters, and odour-free bliss, your life will undoubtedly be enriched in unexpected ways. So, my dear readers, grab your chicken sandwich, greet the garbage collectors with a smile, and let the eccentricity of bin day nourish your soul!

Now go forth, armed with your chicken sandwich and a newfound appreciation for Tuesdays. Enjoy the laughter, the camaraderie, and the aromatic bliss that awaits you on this whimsical journey through life!

For the reasons above, the Ethel & Florence team have chicken sandwiches for lunch every Tuesday.

PS. Don't forget to put the bin out on Tuesday night.

Bon appétit, Gilly Oliver # 0487 135 306